Learn whether personality and verbal ability are linked--for you!

There is some evidence that your personality influences your mental abilities. For example, when psychologists examine the correlation between scores on the "Big Five" personality measures (Extraversion, Conscientiousness, Openness, Neuroticism and Agreeableness) and scores of various measures of intelligence, they find a .35 correlation between openness and verbal ability.

Because correlation does not imply causation, it isn't clear whether openness to new experiences and ideas improves our mental faculties, or the reverse is true: i.e. possessing superior intellect makes us more open to experiences.

A third possibility is that intellect and personality mutually influence and reinforce each each other, so that it's not meaningful to ask which trait leads to which.

A final possibility is that intellect and personality stem from some third attribute. For example, neuroscientists have known for some time that volume of neuronal tissue in different regions of the brain correlates with certain abilities such as math, music or verbal skill. Perhaps larger than normal grey matter in a region of the cerebral cortex elevates both openness and verbal proficiency. Porter et al at the University of Minnesota, for example, found that verbal fluency correlated with cortical thickness of Broca's and Wernicke's areas. Perhaps grey matter volume also influence personality. Völlm and colleagues at Nottingham University recently found positive correlations between total gray matter volume and impulsivity in men (larger gray matter volume correlated with lower impulsivity).

So here's your chance to discover whether there is a link between your own personality and your verbal ability, and for you to see where you stand with respect to other readers!

In the test reached through clicking the image of the actual test below, measure how open you are by clicking "yes" or "no" for each of 20 questions. Your openness score will appear at the bottom of the page.


Next, click on the big red button marked "proceed to verbal" to test your verbal ability by taking a very quick, timed, multiple choice test. The faster you complete the test, the higher your verbal score. For each question, you will hear a "click" when you select the correct answer, but not when you select incorrect answers. Also, you cannot proceed to the next question until you have answered the current question correctly (and hear a click).

When you have finished the verbal test, both your openness and verbal scores will be displayed, along with a scatter plot of scores of all readers who have taken the test (including your last score). You can inspect each data point by placing your cursor over it to see the numerical value.

Best of luck!
